Advantages of studying at Oxford School Mexico 🏫
Advantages Oxford
Learning methodologies
Project-based learning: Manages to develop orderly thinking by proposing solutions to situations related to real life through sequenced steps. In addition, since it takes place over an extended period of time, it allows students to develop organization and planning skills.
Learning based on problems or challenges : Develop multiple skills from the resolution of a problem or challenge, such as broadening your perspective by having to approach the problem from different angles for its analysis, the development of creativity when proposing possible solutions, as well How to encourage them to be assertive in decision-making based on the information available and learn to work under pressure.
Case studies : It is sought that the students, first in a personal way, then in small groups and finally in plenary, formulate proposals that propose concrete and realistic solutions considering different perspectives, to real life situations. Through analysis, reflection and discussion in small groups, empathy is fostered and presenting the conclusions to a group promotes the development of confidence and clarity to speak in public.
Experiments: Encourages children to inquiry, investigation and discovery learning by fostering curiosity by encouraging the student to ask questions and formulate their hypotheses, and seek answers. Through experimentation, they manage to understand natural and scientific phenomena to generate and propose models.
Collaborative centers: It serves to reinforce or consolidate learning previously addressed with the support of specific environments and materials. It encourages student autonomy by assigning them a task with a limited time to complete it, in the same way it responds to multiple intelligences and learning styles by providing alternative materials, activities and evaluation depending on each student.
Training environments
Our facilities are an important part of the students' learning process. We take advantage of any opportunity, inside and outside the classroom, to create an educational-formative experience. All the spaces have been created taking care of every detail with the aim of developing the potential of our students to the maximum.
- We integrate technology into the classroom, not just for entertainment, but to reinforce concepts, ideas, and skills.
- We have large windows, which help students self-regulate their attention, by connecting the interior space with the exterior.
- We use, in all our spaces, neutral colors that help promote concentration and creativity.
- We seek to give life to each of the spaces within the classroom, by allowing students to explore and use each corner.
In our model, English is much more than a subject. The main advantage of our approach to bilingualism is that students achieve a high command of English, which allows them to study and work professionally in a second language, and they also have the possibility of obtaining international certificates that guarantee their knowledge.
Proficiency in English occurs progressively in the different sections and upon graduation our students* reach a C1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
We firmly believe that people are the ones who train students, therefore, we consider the teacher as a fundamental link that mediates the learning process so that each student achieves their maximum development. In addition, we maintain close communication with the parents with whom we form an alliance to support them in their educational mission.
Sport, art and culture
Through sport, our students get to know themselves, learn to overcome challenges, form will, character and develop psychomotor, affective, social and intellectual aspects.
In addition, we offer students a constant approach to art and culture, which helps them develop critical and creative thinking, as well as various emotional skills.
At all our educational levels we seek that students use technology effectively and efficiently as a tool to increase their productivity, develop their creativity, communicate ideas and learn collaboratively, without forgetting the responsibility that their use entails. We seek that all students develop their maximum potential and that they are creators and not only consumers of technology.
Through the use of educational technology, robotics and the STEAM methodology (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math), we encourage students to see it:
- As a useful and necessary resource for learning.
- As a means to develop digital skills.
- As a foundation of technological skills for the following educational levels.